Our doors are open!

Taking care of our clients is our utmost priority, and we hope you are coping as best as can be under current circumstances.

While our office doors are open to allow clients to drop off or pick up documentation, we are still trying to reduce the number of personal interactions as much as possible - for the safety of you, your family, and our team. As a result, a number of our team are still working remotely from home.

Most communications over the last 9 weeks have been via teleconference or video conference, however we understand that some matters require personal contact. To recognise this our office is open for face to face appointments where required, with appropriate social distancing measures in place to protect all of us.

  • We ask that you sanitise your hands on entry and also when you are exiting our building.

  • Please respect the physical distancing guidelines of 1.5 metres.

  • Whilst we welcome you warmly to our office, please refrain from shaking hands as we need to respect everyone's personal sensitives about contact.

We hope you and your families stay well, and we look forward to a return of our normal service delivery when health guidelines permit.